Landing page: Design, Examples, and Builders

Apr 9th, 2024

Research suggests that visitors take about 50 milliseconds or 0.05 seconds to form an opinion about your website. Therefore, your landing page needs to make a positive and quick first impression to capture attention. Visitors should immediately understand what the landing page is about and what value it provides. Clear and concise messaging, combined with relevant visuals, ensures that users can easily grasp the purpose of the page and determine whether it aligns with their needs or interests.

Besides that, the successful landing page is a harmonious combination of captivating design elements and persuasive content. Elements like attention-grabbing images, trustworthy copy, clear headlines, and strategically positioned CTAs motivate users to take action. As a result, a landing page becomes a powerful tool that maximizes conversions and contributes to the success of marketing initiatives.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a single web page displayed when a user clicks on a marketing email, online ad, or a search result. Typically, a landing page contains targeted sales copy that complements the message from the ad, search result, or link that brought the visitor to the page.

Companies use these pages to collect information about prospective customers. The primary goal of a landing page is to turn visitors into marketing qualified leads or buyers by encouraging them to take a specific action, such as leaving contact details or joining an email list in exchange for something valuable, such as a discount code or a B2B whitepaper. 


In contrast to other pages on a website, a landing page is focused on a single call to action to keep the visitors’ attention on the intended goal. In addition, landing pages are not part of a website’s evergreen navigation. During a particular phase of an advertising campaign, they fulfill a specific function for targeted demographics.

A landing page often contains convincing headlines, persuasive copy, and visually appealing elements like images or videos to convey key messages and create a sense of urgency. To establish credibility, landing pages include testimonials, customer reviews, money-back guarantees, and other trust signals. Furthermore, these pages incorporate forms or interactive elements that gather visitors’ information to nurture leads.

We will describe the components of an effective landing page in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Elements of successful landing page design

This section will examine the essential elements that make up a compelling landing page. Understanding and optimizing these components can significantly improve the efficiency of the conversion funnel and enhance the success of your marketing efforts.


A headline is the first element that catches the visitors’ attention. It should be clear and concise, immediately conveying the value proposition. A headline should highlight how it addresses a problem and emphasize the solution your product or service provides. By appealing to emotions such as joy, relief, excitement, or curiosity, you can evoke feelings that can influence the decision-making process.

Tailor your headline to appeal to your target audience. Speak directly to their needs or pain points to demonstrate that your product or service is specifically designed for them. In addition, ensure that your headline aligns with the overall messaging and reflects your brand values and personality. Consistency in tone and style builds trust and reinforces your branding, creating a cohesive and memorable experience for your audience.


The copy is the primary text that provides more information about your product or service. It should highlight the benefits instead of features, demonstrating how the offering solves the user's problems or improves their life. Create a copy with a good understanding of your target audience, addressing their challenges and needs. Remember, compelling copy goes beyond mere description. It arouses emotions, triggers action, and leaves a lasting impression.

Break down the information into small sections using subheadings, short paragraphs, and bullet points to ensure an engaging reading experience. Instead of focusing solely on the product or service, speak to the user directly, using second-person pronouns like ‘you’ to create a sense of personal connection. Incorporate storytelling elements to make the content relatable and memorable.



Place eye-catching and relevant visuals on your landing page to convey emotions, describe your offering, or present your previous work. Avoid using low-resolution images and generic stock pictures. Opt for authentic photos featuring real individuals, products, or results, and consider using diagrams, charts, or infographics to illustrate complex ideas.

The use of videos has become increasingly popular in landing page design. A video can provide useful information, market a product, or tell a captivating story about the brand. It's crucial to keep videos brief and engaging. Make sure they load quickly to prevent any negative impact on page load times. Implementing autoplay features can be effective, but it's essential to provide users with the option to pause or mute the video for more convenience.

Consistency in visual style, including color schemes, fonts, and overall design, helps create a cohesive and professional appearance. Ultimately, visuals should be aesthetically pleasing, strategically guide visitors through the page, and emphasize key messages. 

Conversion form

The conversion form is a pivotal element for gathering user information. Lengthy forms can deter users, so you should find a balance between collecting necessary data and maintaining a user-friendly experience. Thus, simplicity is vital. Design a concise form that requests only essential information to initiate further contact or fulfill the desired action.

You should offer a clear value proposition alongside the form to motivate users to provide information. Explain why filling out the form benefits the visitor, whether it's gaining access to exclusive content, receiving a special offer, or enjoying personalized services. Inform users about the ways their data will be used and assure them of privacy and security measures.

The best way to make your conversion form more visible and accessible is to correctly place it on your landing page. As a result, users will be able to easily find it without having to scroll through the entire page. Consider strategic placement near compelling content or key selling points to capture attention. In addition, optimize the form for mobile users, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices. 

Call to action

The call to action is the button, link, or form that encourages users to take the desired action. The CTA should be clear, persuasive, and evoke a sense of urgency. Visitors should immediately understand what action you want them to take. Examples include phrases like Buy Now, Subscribe Today, or Donate to Support.

Make it enticing by using compelling and action-oriented language. To make a CTA more noticeable, use large fonts, contrasting colors, and white space. Limit the call to action to five words or less and incorporate click triggers like No credit card required or Money-back guarantee.

You can improve the user experience by placing CTAs in the flow of content, aligning them with the user journey. Repeat the call to action at various points on longer pages, especially if the content requires scrolling. Customize CTAs based on user segments or demographics to make them more relevant.

Social proof

Social proof is the evidence of positive experiences that people had with your business. It can significantly enhance credibility and trust, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversions. Various forms of social proof can be incorporated into a landing page, such as customer testimonials, reviews, user ratings, endorsements from influencers or industry experts, and statistics showcasing the popularity or success of a product or service.

Genuine testimonials and reviews from real customers build trust, so it's crucial to demonstrate authentic and relevant experiences. Highlighting specific user benefits can make the social proof more compelling. Including visual elements like photos or videos can further strengthen the connection and trust between the potential customer and your brand.


A landing page layout should be visually appealing, intuitive, and strategically organized to guide users through the content toward the desired action. Key elements such as headlines, subheadings, and CTA buttons should be strategically placed to create a clear and compelling flow.

When designing a landing page layout, minimizing distractions and focusing user attention on the primary message is crucial. Maintain consistency in colors, fonts, and logos across your online advertisements and website to establish a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. Opt for either a single-column or two-column layout to direct your visitors' attention. In addition, implement a responsive design that adjusts seamlessly to diverse screen sizes and devices.

A successful landing page relies on the balance between design and content. While design facilitates a seamless user experience, content is crucial for communicating the message and value proposition to potential customers. Design and content marketing should work together to keep visitors interested and motivated to take desired actions on the page.

Landing page examples

We will analyze four examples of landing pages, examine their components, and identify specific characteristics that make them successful. From clear CTAs to interactive multimedia experiences, each example illustrates different approaches to designing an effective landing page.


Netflix's homepage stands out as an example of simplicity. The design is concise, presenting only essential information, primarily encouraging users to take straightforward action and enter their email addresses. Positioned strategically above the fold, a single-field form streamlines the sign-up process, creating an impression of ease and accessibility for potential users. 


The effectiveness of Netflix's landing page lies in its clear communication. The copy conveys the brand's value proposition, assuring users they can cancel anytime. By prioritizing simplicity and providing relevant details, Netflix's landing page successfully guides users toward an easy sign-up process, reflecting an understanding of the user journey.


The Airbnb hosting landing page strategically employs personalized elements to captivate and convert potential hosts. The page offers an estimated weekly average earnings projection tailored to the visitor's location and home size. This personalized touch caters to individuals who may still be uncertain about setting a suitable price for their accommodations and offers a clear value proposition right from the start.


Moreover, Airbnb leverages the strength of its community to build trust and provide support to potential hosts. As users scroll down the page, they encounter the option to connect with Superhosts, who can address any queries or concerns they may have. By combining personalized financial incentives with community support, Airbnb's landing page effectively addresses the needs and uncertainties of potential hosts, increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.



Landbot, a platform specializing in chatbot-based landing pages, skilfully demonstrates the product on its chat-driven landing page. The page's design employs bright colors and dynamic visuals to keep visitors entertained and engaged. An animated bot greets visitors with colorful emoticons and GIFs, encouraging them to share data via the conversational interface instead of the traditional form.


By featuring the chatbot on the page and allowing it to demonstrate its capabilities in real time, potential customers can observe the product in action. The landing page provides a live demo, convincing testimonials, and a detailed overview of its functionality. As a result, potential customers have a clear understanding and a compelling motivation to sign up.


This landing page by Masterclass features Oscar winner Aaron Sorkin, who offers screenwriting lessons. The page contains video preview clips, a detailed course description, and a clear call to action, encouraging potential students to make a decision. 


By recognizing the impact of an instructor's reputation on its target audience, the company created a page that appeals to potential buyers seeking a prestigious learning experience. The clean and simple design elements successfully direct attention to the celebrity instructor, while a preview clip serves as a compelling demonstration of his expertise. Together, these components highlight the value proposition and illustrate why the course is worth the investment for aspiring screenwriters.

According to these examples, you can create an effective landing page by concentrating on one primary objective, keeping a minimalistic and clean design, creating captivating copy, utilizing high-quality photos or videos, and including interactive elements that provide a personalized experience. Don't overlook the importance of including an attention-grabbing call to action to increase user engagement and conversions.

Landing page builders

Now that we’ve covered the main elements and some prominent examples of landing pages let’s look at three landing page builders that serve different purposes. Consider your requirements and level of expertise when choosing a tool that best aligns with your objectives.


Wix is an easy-to-use landing page builder suitable for individuals and small businesses. With its simple drag-and-drop interface, customers can personalize their landing pages without any prior coding experience. Users can add forms, text, photos, and videos. Moreover, Wix's App Market provides extra features like eCommerce and social media integration.

In addition, users can optimize their pages by utilizing the platform's SEO capabilities. Wix is an excellent choice for those seeking a simple, all-in-one solution for building landing pages without a steep learning curve.


Unbounce is a sophisticated landing page builder suitable for marketing professionals, and businesses focused on conversion optimization. It provides a great set of features, including A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and advanced analytics, allowing users to enhance their pages for maximum effectiveness.

The platform is known for its focus on designing landing pages with excellent conversion rates. It results from customizable forms, CTAs, and mobile-responsive designs available in the landing page builder. Unbounce also integrates with marketing tools like HubSpot and Mailchimp, optimizing workflows for marketing teams. For those who prioritize informed decision-making and need a tool that goes beyond basic design, Unbounce is an ideal choice.


Leadpages is a landing page builder specifically tailored for lead generation purposes. It excels in creating simple yet effective landing pages. With an intuitive interface, Leadpages enables users to quickly build mobile-responsive pages without the need for coding skills. 

Leadpages includes features such as easy integration with email marketing tools, pop-up forms, and lead magnets, making it a perfect solution for businesses focused on building and expanding their email subscriber list. In contrast to other builders, Leadpages targets niche audiences by providing an offering for those primarily interested in generating leads.

Throughout this article, we have explored the key elements that contribute to the success of landing pages, such as a clear value proposition, compelling visuals, persuasive copy, and a user-friendly design. Keep in mind that you need to continuously optimize and test your landing pages to ensure they align with the changing preferences and behaviors of the people within a target market.